TX RX Fórum
Fldigi 4.0.1 Popup110

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TX RX Fórum
Fldigi 4.0.1 Popup110
TX RX Fórum
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Fldigi 4.0.1

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Fldigi 4.0.1 Empty Fldigi 4.0.1

Mensagem por ALF007 Sex 31 Mar 2017 - 0:01

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Fldigi (Fast Light Digital Modem Application), pronounced “F L digi”, is a cross-platform modem program that supports most of the peer-to-peer (live keyboard) digital modes used on the amateur radio bands.
Fldigi is released under the GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPLv3)
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Version 4.0.1

Upgrade release
– new functionality
– Winkeyer interface
– improved modem performance
– improved logbook performance
– upddated documentation
– Russian translation file

OS X 10.12 build

* Compile changes for OS X Darwin 10.12 Clang build


compliant with adif specification

Free BSD mods

* Compliance mods for current version of Clang compiler

Logbook mods

* Update log field LOTWSDATE for each record sent to LOTW when the upload file is created
* clear LOTWSDATE field if lotw rejects submission or fails to respond within 25 seconds
* insure that lotw review dialog closes on program exit
* restore tabular sort order when adding a record

Default Tx Audio

* Change default audio output to both channels

remove sprintf

* change all remaining occurances of sprintf to snprintf

Documentation update

* New documentation for winkeyer interface

n3fjp logger search

* set initial search for n3fjp server to 5 second

fopen -> fl_fopen

* update to UDF-8 compatible fopen call

48 bar macro

* allow user to select above / below Rx/Tx panels

CW decoder

Improved CW decoder
– removed user adjustable signal level controls
– added automatic tracking filters for Rx signal level
– tracking filters change parameters with detected WPM. Not Kalman, but better than fixed.

DX cluster

* Update dxcluster QSY to correctly align signal to sweet spot when transceiver is in a CW mode.
* add ability to respond to password prompt

Logbook support

* Add checkband test to new log entry before writing record
* Added BAND control to log view, contest tab
– fldigi does not use the BAND field, it is present as a
convenience for exporting or importing from log programs
that do use it.
– the control is on the contest tab since that seems to be
the most common use for BAND (e.g. field day event).
* OS X file naming dialog drops the “.adif” extension.
– add code to insure newlog etc have the correct extension.


* Added embedded WinKeyer interface

fsq ifkp s/n computation

* Additional change to s/n measurement

fltk version update

* update all fluid generated source and header files

Macro Date Time Formats

* Allow user to specify the date time format using strftime format strings
– becomes <ZT:”%H%M%S”>; <ZT:”%H:%M:%SZ”> etc.
– fmt is the strftime format string
if the ‘:fmt’ is not in the macro tag then the current format is used

lotw addition

* Add jt9 modes for lotw upload
* Allow up to 7 numerals in frequency element

THOR/IFKP Image transfers

* Add auto save Rx images to
– Thor
* Corrected IFKP send image sequencing
– pic%[T] where T is image scale was not being
send before the image fascimille.
* Added Thor and IFKP image transfer using the
macro tag

ifkp s/n update

* Change to s/n measurement
– noise measured over full range of possible signal bins
– noise referenced to 3000 Hz bandwidth

fsq s/n update

* Change to s/n measurement
– noise measured over full range of possible signal bins
– noise referenced to 3000 Hz bandwidth

OSS bug fix

* Add missing parenthesis to reverse audio test
– bug fix submitted by Guiseppe, IZ1QZE

PSKMAIL PTT fault protection

* add REQ(…) to show_tx_timer function call

Logbook File Handling

* Change new log file naming paradigm
– move logbook open/save/merge to a separate sub-menu
* Change logbook merge logic
– discover and cull duplicates in both current and merge records
– write duplicates to adif file for user review
– annotate Rx Panel with user information on merger performance

Russian UTF-8 translation


* Correct and update various tooltips

n3fjp contest update

* Add read next serial to send from n3fjp logger
* Add send TXTENTRYSERIALNOR to n3fjp generic logger
* Add new macro tags
– current serial number
– last serial number
* add support fields for N3FJP NAQP contest logging

Hamlib/RigCAT/XMLRPC Interface

* Hamlib (K5JAE)
– Add user adjustable poll rate
– Add Defaults button
– Modify activation of controls based on hamlib selection
* RigCAT (W1HKJ)
– removed btnRevertRIGCAT & associated functions
– toggle Initialize button state with change in rigcat enable
– toggle Initialize button state with change in xmlrpc enable

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73 e tudo de bom


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