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EnzoLog – The first Web Log Popup110

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EnzoLog – The first Web Log Popup110
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EnzoLog – The first Web Log

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EnzoLog – The first Web Log Empty EnzoLog – The first Web Log

Mensagem por ALF007 Sáb 11 Abr 2015 - 0:52

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Cap. 1 – History of the Birth and First Page

Birth story

Enzo are Cuppone (IT9GCG) OM since December 2007, from the start, after two years of radio listeners “illegal” and forced, I threw myself on the HF and I had a need for a management software of my log.

Are always programmer so I did not want to use unlicensed software made by other fellow programmers, and I found myself “forced” to create EnzoLog.

The main excuse was given to me by a DXpedition IOTA (Salina – Aeolian Islands in November 2008) to which I was invited “just barely” licensed. From a brilliant idea IW9GUR (David) was the need to centralize the QSOs and show web sequence QSO and video. With fellow-brotherly IW9HQP (Andrea) we installed a web-server where afferent data that were displayed in real-time, along with the Video, by users. It was the first successful experiment in real-time and to this day is still in use in a similar manner with my system. Since those first rudimentary masks was a short step to the construction of the current system.

What is the weblog

A Web-Log is a program for managing a log amateur entirely masks web. EnzoLog besides this also offers an integrated cluster able to prepare in a single click QSOs.

The data contained in the system are easily accessible from any part of the web, are backed up continuously and offer a high level of safety.

It also adds to the potential of an automated log also the opportunity to share their data with other (manageraggio QSL or award) as well as the publication of data or statistics for web pages with nice and simple tools to publish.


By now many people use EnzoLog like real logs, appreciating the simplicity and speed of use. Others, however, load their data as a backup or to give opportunity to research, using the log online. A beautiful “slice” of amateur radio, instead, using other management software log, send QSOs directly in EnzoLog to be able to easily publish on the web.

The mask is divided functionally into two parts (right and left); Cluster right (top) and data propagation (bottom); left side insertion / modification / send commercials / research qrz.com and, below, the last 30 QSO of the log open.

The cluster as well be colored according to the legend that is below, flowing always making us see the last active spots among those filtered by us through the settings page.

On the cluster it is possible to note how automatically take the country on the basis of a call sign.

With a click on the callsign chose the left side of this page is populated with data collected from qrz.com.

Together with the data of the address, if the OM has loaded correctly even their WWLocator, we will see degrees of antenna orientation and distance. Again, if the user has specified them, even if it is user LOTW or less or EQSL.cc or less.

With a click on the country specified on the cluster can use the map of qrz.com with various WWLocator.

The coloring of the cluster is a major attraction, as a “glance” we can see if we are interested in a spot or not. For the color legend, I refer you to the page itself.

Down on the same page, we find real-time data propagation, these are updated continuously with the site of the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration).

Bottom left is a “summary” of our log indicating the active log at this time (since the system allows us to create for each user so many log).

From this section you can change or delete a QSO, add a certificate to the same QSOs, DX-spotting colleague OM just connected, sending spot on the cluster, send the QSO (if we added our account data) to eqsl.cc or clublog .org.

Also from the same mask but glancing a little ‘to the center-right, you can send the right spot generic.

Other operations feasible, from the top menu, are creation, destruction or opening of log, as well as import or export of ADIF.

E ‘be noted that EnzoLog allows importing confirmations LOTW dall’ADIF downloaded from special.

The part QSL to download in a simple and intuitive confirmations paper bureau or direct them to be. This management allows users to know if their QSL has arrived or not.

A highlight of our system is given by the management of diplomas.

This management is “open” and allows you to manage any type of qualification exists; if carefully inserted the data may be useful for their immediate identification on the cluster (we will see them highlighted).

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