TX RX Fórum
World’s first fully digital radio transmitter built purely from microprocessor technology Popup110

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TX RX Fórum
World’s first fully digital radio transmitter built purely from microprocessor technology Popup110
TX RX Fórum
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World’s first fully digital radio transmitter built purely from microprocessor technology

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World’s first fully digital radio transmitter built purely from microprocessor technology Empty World’s first fully digital radio transmitter built purely from microprocessor technology

Mensagem por ALF007 Seg 9 Mar 2015 - 3:26

For the first time in history, a prototype radio has been created that is claimed to be completely digital, generating high-frequency radio waves purely through the use of integrated circuits and a set of patented algorithms without using conventional analog radio circuits in any way whatsoever. This breakthrough technology promises to vastly improve the wireless communications capabilities of everything from 5G mobile technology to the multitude devices aimed at supporting the Internet of Things (IoT).

The significance of this new technology cannot be overstated: Every aspect of radio frequency generation is said to be created using a string of digital bits, and nothing else. There are no analog circuits, no filters, no chokes, none of the traditional circuitry and components expected in a radio transmitter. Consisting of a mere handful of components, including a couple of integrated circuits, an antenna, and not much else, the transmitter – dubbed Pizzicato – promises to change the face of wireless transmission.”

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