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___________________________ O TX&RX Fórum destina-se à publicações de mensagens "posts" relacionados com todos os assuntos sobre Radio Frequência. Essas mensagens têm como objectivo promover ideias, experiências, projectos, esclarecer duvidas, divulgação de actividades e publicações de novidades sobre Radio Comunicações.
1 KW SSPA for 1.8-54 MHz
TX RX Fórum :: TX&RX Fórum :: HF
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1 KW SSPA for 1.8-54 MHz
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It’s been a while since I built an amp for HF; I’d have to go back to the 60’s and a pair of the venerable 3-500z tubes that I put together back then. Time to upgrade, so I built this one.
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It can accommodate almost any driving radio, and only requires 2 to 3w drive for 1kw out, a potent companion for my Elecraft KX3 and the other QRP rig I own, the FT817. But because it has a configurable input attenuator, it’s also a good match for one of the 100w radios used here, and lately that’s the FT991.
The cabinet is a bit deeper than the VHF amplifiers to make room for the large low pass filter board (the cabinet measures 12w by 6h by 16d), but still fits into the operating position with ease.
Details on the construction and performance of the RF deck are at the end of this article.
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It’s been a while since I built an amp for HF; I’d have to go back to the 60’s and a pair of the venerable 3-500z tubes that I put together back then. Time to upgrade, so I built this one.
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It can accommodate almost any driving radio, and only requires 2 to 3w drive for 1kw out, a potent companion for my Elecraft KX3 and the other QRP rig I own, the FT817. But because it has a configurable input attenuator, it’s also a good match for one of the 100w radios used here, and lately that’s the FT991.
The cabinet is a bit deeper than the VHF amplifiers to make room for the large low pass filter board (the cabinet measures 12w by 6h by 16d), but still fits into the operating position with ease.
Details on the construction and performance of the RF deck are at the end of this article.
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ALF007- Administrador Fundador
TX RX Fórum :: TX&RX Fórum :: HF
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