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CQ DL January 2016 Popup110

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CQ DL January 2016 Popup110
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CQ DL January 2016

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CQ DL January 2016 Empty CQ DL January 2016

Mensagem por ALF007 Dom 13 Dez 2015 - 19:22

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he January issue of amateur radio magazine CQ DL appears today. In this issue the Brick’R’Knowledge system is presented. Under the motto “Learning how modular” shows this issue the full range of possibilities of learning experimentation and development system: from the construction of a small Rx mixer stage to the construction of a network analyzer.

Other selected topics of this issue:


The R2T2: Rx parts and RF Multiplexer

The current status of the planned network of SDR DARC reported Helmut Göbkes, DB1CC. This issue covers the receiver parts and the HF multiplexers, which enable the R2T2 many operating possibilities. In multiuser mode, the SDR network is able to equip up to eight users with a complete independent “transceiver”.


Fundamentals of Antenna Simulation

Matthias Hornsteiner, DG4MHM, in this three-part article provides an extensive insight into the antenna simulation with the software MMANA. To kick off the series, he reports on the history of NECCodes and its variants. He also introduces the Momententmethode and goes with the Faltdipolsimulation into practice.

Also you can find in the new CQ DL, among other things, a report by the General Assembly of the DARC from 14 to 15 November in Baunatal and information about the new electronic insurance for members and OCs and the new fee schedule for CQ DL posts.

At the same time the print edition is also the CQ DL appeared to browse online and in the DARC app for Android and iOS. More information can be found at: [Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar este link]

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