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R2T2 - transceptor SDR multi-usuário com a interface para WEB Popup110

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TX RX Fórum
R2T2 - transceptor SDR multi-usuário com a interface para WEB Popup110
TX RX Fórum
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R2T2 - transceptor SDR multi-usuário com a interface para WEB

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R2T2 - transceptor SDR multi-usuário com a interface para WEB Empty R2T2 - transceptor SDR multi-usuário com a interface para WEB

Mensagem por ALF007 Dom 3 Jan 2016 - 21:10

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The R2T2 is a complete SDR transceiver which by its construction to date
reflects the art and through his extensive peripherals and modular structure also
more likely to be in the future nothing to be desired.

The R2T2 is used inter alia as WebSDR of the German Amateur Radio Club.
Spread over 15 locations in Germany are located in the future each one R2T2
provide the per station full up to eight amateur radio receiver in the Internet.
In a later expansion, these devices can also act as transceiver for transmitting
be used as a transmission mode currently not only legal but
also operating and antenna Technical occur, need to be addressed.

Currently, the first batch of R2T2 in production.
As SDR server and SDR-GUI “QTRadio” is used.
The software version of R2T2 is also already progressed so far
that simultaneously all 8 DSP server available in real time over the network
transceiver run stable.

At a few “quirks” we still need to hone, (zt by QTRadio conditionally)
and specifically the access portal for the DARC-members has yet to be created.
This either from the operating Linux runs stable on the R2T2 and the periphery of R2T2
is fully supported, so that to selectively direct an HDMI monitor
can connect a USB keyboard and mouse.

Multiple Transceivers in action, up to 8 DSPServers in realtime

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The circuit design of R2T2
- Basic Considerations R2T2
- block diagram of R2T2 functions
- Power and Power Sequencing
- HDMI video connector
- audio DSP Interface
- GPIO Digital and Analog InterfaceGPIO
- Gigabit Ethernet and 2 x USB interface
- TE0720 - o módulo XILINX Zync
- master clock generation and synchronization  
- Dual RX (two receiver parts )  
- RF front – RF Multiplexers & Interfaces
- MPPA 10W-PA Driver

Hardware & PCB of R2T2 V2.01
- TOP Layer PCB
- Inner Layer 1 PCB
- Inner Layer 2 PCB
- Inner Layer 3 PCB
- Inner Layer 4 PCB
- BOT Layer PCB
- layout diagram PCB
- PCB assembly

The firmware of R2T2
- Total block picture of the firmware functions as a rough picture
- unfolded overall block diagram of the firmware functions complete with function blocks
- block diagram of the receiver structure
- block diagram of a transmitter part (transmitter 1 of Cool
- block diagram of a receiver part (receiver 1 of Cool

The software of R2T2: Linux
- ArchLinux

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73 e tudo de bom


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