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Vendo Super Hi-gain Antena (lolol...) Popup110

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Vendo Super Hi-gain Antena (lolol...) Popup110
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Vendo Super Hi-gain Antena (lolol...)

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Vendo Super Hi-gain Antena (lolol...) Empty Vendo Super Hi-gain Antena (lolol...)

Mensagem por ALF007 Qua 13 Abr 2016 - 1:12

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A 35,000-square-foot steel building topped with a 105-foot-diameter satellite dish with intercontinental reach and surrounded by a 12-foot security fence with a motorized, digitally controlled access gate could be the ultimate man cave — especially since the property includes 103 acres of Preston County forest and farmland with prime hunting and a stocked fishing pond.

The former AT&T Lenox Earth Station is for sale. The asking price: $499,000.

The Lenox compound was built in the early 1980s by the Communications Satellite Corporation, or COMSAT, to serve as a “diversity” site for its Etam Earth Station, located 22 miles to the southwest, a short distance south of Rowlesburg. The Etam station, built in 1968, became the world’s busiest facility for handling satellite telecommunications traffic by the mid-1970s.

When a new series of geosynchronous satellites began orbiting the Earth in the late ’70s, making the Etam station even busier, COMSAT sought permission from the Federal Communications Commission to build a new earth station at Lenox to reduce service outages due to severe weather. According to COMSAT’s FCC filing, the ETAM station would be out of service about 90 times a year for one minute or more, totaling about 17 hours of down time a…

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