TX RX Fórum
Morse Runner v1.68 para MacOS Popup110

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TX RX Fórum
Morse Runner v1.68 para MacOS Popup110
TX RX Fórum
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Morse Runner v1.68 para MacOS

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Morse Runner v1.68 para MacOS Empty Morse Runner v1.68 para MacOS

Mensagem por ALF007 Sex 31 Mar 2017 - 0:47

[Tens de ter uma conta e sessão iniciada para poderes visualizar esta imagem]

Morse Runner is a Windows-based contest simulator developed by Alex Shovkoplyas, VE3NEA. Using Wineskin, it has been successfully and seamlessly run under OSX, and made available by Detrick Merz, KI4STU for download. Sure, you could use Wineskin to do this yourself, or you can pull the ready-made dmg from here.

After downloading, open the file. Drag Morse Runner to your Applications folder. The application should run successfully without further configuration. Note: it will not curently run from within the dmg file, it will need to be installed locally.
Optionally, the:


file may be edited to customize some settings. Most (all?) of the settings within this file can also be set within the application itself.

If you wish to edit:


, take a look at the

OSX Readme

inside the dmg.

Further details about the settings available within the application are documented in the OSX Readme. This file is nearly identical to the original Readme from VE3NEA, other than the OSX-specific installation and uninstallation instructions.

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