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Sintonizador de antena automático MFJ-998 1500 Watts - Revisão e configuração Popup110

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Sintonizador de antena automático MFJ-998 1500 Watts - Revisão e configuração Popup110
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Sintonizador de antena automático MFJ-998 1500 Watts - Revisão e configuração

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Sintonizador de antena automático MFJ-998 1500 Watts - Revisão e configuração Empty Sintonizador de antena automático MFJ-998 1500 Watts - Revisão e configuração

Mensagem por ALF007 Qua 21 Jun 2017 - 0:07

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Full 1500 watts SSB/CW…Digital & Analog SWR/WattMeter . . .
All features of MFJ IntelliTuners– Ultra-fast, Safe Automatic Tuning . . . Wide Tuning Range (12-1600 Ohms from 1.8 to 30 MHz ) . . . Radio Interfaces . . . Built-in Antenna Switch for two coax/long wire . . . Automatic Bypass protects your amplifier . . . Field Upgradeable Software . . . Very Compact!
The MFJ-998 Full Legal Limit 1500 Watt Intellituner takes you to the final level in automatic antenna tuners. With a capability of 1500 watts SSB and CW, coupled with automatic tuning, your high-power station can now operate essentially hands-free even when frequency and band changes are made.

Fast Automatic Tuning

The MFJ-998 instantly matches impedances from 12-1600 ohms using MFJ`s exclusive IntelliTune, AdaptiveSearch and InstantRecall algorithms with over 20,000 VirtualAntenna Memories. When you key your transmitter, MFJ`s InstantRecall checks to see if that frequency has been used before. If so, tuning is instantaneous. If not, MFJ`s IntelliTune algorithm (based on MFJ`s efficient SWR Analyzer technology) measures the impedance, snaps the necessary components in place, and then fine-tunes the SWR. If the antenna impedance is outside the tuner`s measurement range, MFJ`s Adaptive Search algorithm measures the frequency and determines only relevant component values — which are then searched for fast tuning.

Safe Automatic Tuning and Amplifier Protection

The MFJ-998 includes MFJ’s Amplifier Bypass Control — an MFJ exclusive feature! When used with a transceiver interface cable, tuning is safe and “stupidproof”! When a tuning cycle is initiated, the MFJ-998 first bypasses any in-line amplifier. Next, the MFJ-998 initiates a low-power CW tuning carrier from your transceiver. When tuning is complete, the MFJ-998 reverts your transceiver to its prior power and mode, and re-enables the amplifier. This entire cycle typically takes less than a second! Finally, if the MFJ-998 cannot find a match better than a preset amplifier SWR trip-point, the amplifier stays bypassed to provide automatic SWR protection for your amplifier — another MFJ exclusive!

Analog SWR/Wattmeter

A large analog Cross-Needle SWR/Watt-meter displays selectable 300/60 watt or 3000/600 watt forward/reflected full-scale ranges. You can even select automatic power ranging — the best power range is automatically selected for you.

Digital LCD SWR/Wattmeter

A two-line, 16-character backlit LCD meter displays SWR, forward/reflected power, frequency, antenna selected, an auto-ranging bargraph power indication,
and much more. You can even read the final matching inductor and capacitor values should you want to build your own fixed matching network. Simple menus
determine displayed information – no complex button combinations to remember!

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FJ new VirtualAntenna Memory system gives you 4 antenna memory banks for
each of 2 switchable antenna connectors. Select up to 4 antennas on each antenna connector. Each antenna has 2500 memories, 20,000 total. Has two coax connectors and a binding post for end-fed long wire antennas.

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