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6 el 50MHz LFA-R reflectorless Yagi Popup110

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TX RX Fórum
6 el 50MHz LFA-R reflectorless Yagi Popup110
TX RX Fórum
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6 el 50MHz LFA-R reflectorless Yagi

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6 el 50MHz LFA-R reflectorless Yagi Empty 6 el 50MHz LFA-R reflectorless Yagi

Mensagem por ALF007 Qua 18 Fev 2015 - 1:18

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The new LFA-R reflector-less Yagi is a step forward in Yagi design and performance. Excellent levels of gain per foot of boom from this compact super-performer

The new 6R6-HD from InnovAntennas

Heavy duty version show, light-weight version available upon request.

The new LFA-R is a new, reflector-less Yagi from the design table of G0KSC. The LFA-R provides excellent performance in terms of both forward gain and F/B too and covers the important bottom end of the 50MHz band with ease.

The 6R6 sits on a 6.5m (21′) boom yet punches with a very respectable 12.1dBi gain while still delivering well over 21dB F/B (front to back) ratio.

Product Highlights

Marine grade Stainless Steel Fittings
Original Stauff Insulation clamps
Mill finished boom and elements for highest levels of accuracy
Optimised by computer for best possible performance
No matching device means no matching loss!
Easy and fast fit, assemble in just a few minutes

For more information Email here


Gain: 7.67dBi @ 50.15MHz

F/B: 17.25dB @ 50.15MHz

Peak Gain: 7.90dBi

Gain 10m above ground: 13.26dBi

Peak F/B: 25.56dB

Power Rating: 5kw

SWR: Below 1.5.1 from 50MHz to 50.4MHz

Boom Length: 6.6m

Weight: 2.2kg/7.5lbs

Safe Wind Speed: 160Kph/100Mph

Turning Radius: 0.5m/1.5ft

Vertical Stacking: 4m


This antenna is made with a 5/8 inch (15.88mm) and 1/2 inch (12.7mm) diameter tube LFA loop and 3/8 inch (9.525mm) elements with a wall thickness of 1.6mm. Parasitic elements are tapered, 5/8” to 1/2” tube ensuring high performance for many years to come. Boom is 1.5inch. This antenna is not made cheaply, it is made to perform and to do so for many years.

No figures are made up here as they are in some Ham Radio adverts, all performance figures are verified in the very latest software simulation packages with some antennas being professionally confirmed on an antenna range.

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